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White Brined Cheese

Vacuum Packaging

Bulgarea is a white and juicy brined cheese, with a mild milky taste, pleasantly buttery and balanced of salt.

The unique Bulgarian nature, real Bulgarian milk and the authentic starter culture are prerequisites for the taste of the Bulgarian white brined cheese Bulgarea and its main characteristics.

To always offer your family the best, store Bulgarea cheese in brine.

Method of preparation: the proportian is 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 tea cup of water.

Bulgarea - Hero BG

Ingredients And

Защо Булгареа?

  • No artificial colourants and aromas
  • Without palm and other vegetable fats
  • Delicious and pleasantly salty
Bulgarea - bulgarian milk products - White Wave
 - Bulgarea
White Wave - Bulgarea

Crumbled White Brined Cheese

 - Bulgarea
White Wave - Bulgarea

Yogurt with 2% fat

 - Bulgarea
White Wave - Bulgarea

Yogurt with 4,5% fat
